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Being a follower of Christ is so much more than attending a church service once a week.  We were created to be in community with each other and to live life together, serving each other and the community around us.  On this page you will learn more about the opportunities Red Oak Church has to connect and build relationships that are centered around Christ, as well as learning ways to serve and help in bringing hope to those around us, while we work together to advance the kingdom of God.

-Caring & Sharing Ministry-

-Connecting through serving together-

There are many ways to get to know each other as a church family!

One way is to join a team of people who work together to make the church grounds look beautiful.  We will be doing some gardening soon and there are always little clean up projects to be done.

Fill out the form below if you would like to be contacted about joining the team!  It is always a lot of fun and a great time to get to know each other!

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